MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

MAN 210 – Mandan Inflectional Morphology

27725313690_c63ea9eeaa_kCourse Description:

Understanding of Mandan language structure is essential to teaching the language knowledgably and being effective in the classroom. Proper teaching of Mandan is dependent on a firm foundation in the rules of a language. This course is the primary linguistic introduction to Mandan grammar and particularly its inflectional and derivational morphology (the internal structure of words) and pedagogical approaches to explaining this grammar. The rules associated with Mandan verbal morphology are one of the most characteristic features of the language and are also a significant challenge for students.

Course Objectives:

To introduce teachers in the effective understanding and use of Mandan morphology so that they are adept at preparing lesson plans and teaching classes using grammatical concepts.

Course Textbooks:

“Speak Mandan! – Level 1 Mandan Textbook”, MHA Language Project, MHA Dept. of Education, 2014.

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